Murdo Girl…Let’s have a parade

 The Coyote and Lone Wolf Parade 

Writing a ticket

The Parade Grand Marshall, (sniff) Deputy Sheriff, (sniff) and Lone Wolf candidate (sniff), Barney Fife


Barney Fife’s Campaign Slogan

This is Barney Fife. I’m running for President of these United States in the 2016 election. I’ll be the one, and might I add, the only one, on the Lone Wolf Party Ballot.(Pulls his pants up and sniffs.)

I was having coffee and donuts at Fern’s Cafe, and I got wind of the Parade old Murdo girl is planning. The idea is to knock old Barney out of the running. She’s on the tired old Coyote ticket. Well I’ll have you know that a parade can’t happen in Murdo without the law involved, and I represent the law. I’m what keeps this town safe from riff raff. Yup,(sniff), me and my trusty partner (pats his holster), (sniffs again).

Now here’s what’s gonna happen. You can say you heard it right here from Deputy Barney Fife. I was plannin to nip the whole idea in the bud, but (pulls his pants up and sniffs), two can play Murdo Girl’s old game. This Lone Wolf has out foxed the Coyote. Yesiree, you got it. I’m talking about that Hillary pantsuit wearing Murdo Girl.


(Barney sniffs and continues) I’m gonna let the parade plannin keep marching on, with one little bitty change. Old Barney here is going to be the Grand Marshall . Yesiree, that’s right. I’ll also be the voice on the megaphone announcing everything in that parade from the engine to the caboose. Thelma Lou and her friend Louise are plannin to be on hand to help organize things. Thelma Lou is my girlfriend and she’s a good organizer. Yup (pulls up pants and sniffs), Thelma Lou and Louise will be hittin town tomorrow.





I’m Murdo Girl and I can’t believe Deputy Barney Fife has hijacked our Parade plans. He’s bringing in Thelma Lou and Louise too, but even if you count his gun, that still only makes a team of 4. On the Coyote team, we’ve got Murdo Girl, the Queen, Yram Sicnarf, Lav Yekcel, Jerry Elrod, and we’ve also got “an Otis in the hole.“That’s right. When Barney locks up the Jones County Jail tonight, there’s going to be a little surprise for him. More on that later.



The Coyote Bystanders



The Lone Wolf Bystanders

Will Barney Fife stop complaining and start campaigning? Will Otis make the Jones County Jail his permanent residence? Will Thelma Lou and Louise make the Jones County Jail their permanent residence? Will they even make it to Murdo, or will they get confused by all the Wall Drug signs?

How will Barney separate the riff raff from the riff raff? Will Murdo Girl keep her campaign promise to relocate Wall Drug to Murdo and offer” Free Ice Water?”  Will the nickels start rolling into Murdo Girl’s Coffers, so Jerry will have something to count? Will Lav, come up with some effective campaign stunts? Then there’s the Queen…Hmm, Long Live the Queen!

16 thoughts on “Murdo Girl…Let’s have a parade

  1. sanjuan831 June 30, 2016 / 6:18 pm

    I am behind you all the way. Not in front, not beside, but Behind. I heard the parade will be a big hit. Cannot wait.

    Liked by 1 person

      • sanjuan831 June 30, 2016 / 6:33 pm

        I don’t know – can we just wave flags, put in earplugs, and carry a big Murdo Girl banner and ignore the Barney?


      • Mary Francis McNinch June 30, 2016 / 6:43 pm

        Maybe he’ll accidentally lock himself in the cell with Otis again.


  2. scoper07 June 30, 2016 / 5:59 pm

    You hit it out of the park Murdo Girl!! What a funny story. Thank you for making me laugh.


      • scoper07 June 30, 2016 / 6:56 pm

        In my opinion no. There are hundreds of signs that have your slogan on them. Pretty ingenious campaign financing ploy.


      • Mary Francis McNinch June 30, 2016 / 7:58 pm

        I’m so smart it scares me sometimes. I might have heard about it, but I only steal the best ideas.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. countrygirl57 June 30, 2016 / 5:57 pm

    Forgot to tell you I was sending all the dollars 😊😊. Put them to good use!

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

      • scoper07 June 30, 2016 / 6:50 pm

        You’ve got two towers full of water. Perfect.


  4. countrygirl57 June 30, 2016 / 5:53 pm

    Can’t stop laughing!! Love all the pictures!!💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

  5. stellerson June 30, 2016 / 5:24 pm

    Wolf does not have an e. Murdo Girl’s slogan is Free Ice Water. Murdo Girl is sorry. She wants your vote. Signed Murdo Girl

    Liked by 1 person

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