Murdo Girl…The nice road hogs

One of our neighbors put on the most amazing fireworks display Saturday night. It was like an hour long grand finale. He told Kip he has done this for the past thirteen years.

When I saw those fireworks exploding in the sky, I thought about the star


I’m rerunning this because it has the 4th of July in it. The someone referred to at the end is the mysterious cowboy.


Lav and MG’s Great American Road Trip


They aint exactly Smokey and the Bandit, or Thelma and Louise

But nicer road hogs you’ll never find, they even say thanks and please

Someone said they hit the road on the morning of July one

By the fourth they’d be in Rapid City for some 4th of July fun.

Well they circled Murdo a couple of times, then stopped to have some lunch

Someone at Fern’s kicked them out. No money would be my hunch

Someone said they had no gas, but that could be just a rumor

Someone told ‘em,..Go to Dean’s 66, he’s got a sense of humor

So they pulled into Dean’s 66 and said.. please fill er up

Someone said, you two again? You’d better just give it up

Well next door is the Auto museum, and they recognized their truck

Someone said Ruben took the keys. Now how’s that for real bad luck?

Saaay, Murdo Girl said to Lav, how we gonna hit the road?

Someone said, they might just haf’ta put their trip on hold.

Lav said, we need some cash MG. How can we get a sackfull?

Someone said to go on back to Fern’s only this time be more tactfull

Fern’s will give ya free bus tickets. Now wouldn’t that be nice?

Someone told them their luck was changing. A free ticket’s worth half the price

This dang poem goes on and on, I thought I’d never quit scrollin

Hey, Lav and MG, stay away from someone, cause he don’t seem worth knowin.

Who is this mystery guy I ask ya? He must have a bone to pick

Cause MG and Lav are still in town..the free ticket at Fern’s was a trick.


Makes ya proud to be an American don’t it?






4 thoughts on “Murdo Girl…The nice road hogs

  1. scoper07 July 3, 2017 / 9:22 pm

    When you were down at Dean’s 66, did you see a black MG? Maybe “borrow” it for a few days. Just think MG and Lav in an MG. Cool huh?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sanjuan831 July 3, 2017 / 8:41 pm

    That was a hoot to read! How do you get all those ideas,then rhyme it all, plus make it funny?


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