Murdo Girl…Snow fun in Texas

I woke up one morning to falling snow. Soon a cold wind began to blow.

Out our window yesterday

Was I the only one in the neighborhood who didn’t see this as something good?

When we lived on the lake..Kip said no to the snow

You see, I was raised in South Dakota. No more snow, please!!! I’ve had my quota.


I remember those days in December, or November and yes… even in September.

I wanted to make the most of those days. My friends reacted with nays not yeahs.

I walked up Courthouse Hill carrying my sled, when my friends saw me, they turned and fled.


My friends were all on the woosie side. “It’s much too cold outside,” they cried.

I was the first one to put on my skates. “Come on,” I shouted. “The ice awaits.”

Figure skaters need lots of practice. We can’t let the cold and snow distract us.

“Hurry,” I shouted. “Before the snow melts, let’s build snowmen with hats, coal eyes, and black belts.”

On snowy days my playmates became inmates. They would hide inside.

I would go home… my face in a pout, and tell my mom those kids wore me out.

One time she misunderstood what I said. She thought I was sick and sent me to bed.

When I woke up the next morning and looked out the window, expecting to see more wind and snow…

I saw the sun. It was something to behold, but in bed I stayed. I had a bad cold.

Now do you get why I’ve had enough… of bitter cold and all the white stuff?

But…if it snows more and you come to my door, and ask me to play outside I will go… and make snow angels in the snow.

I’ll skate like I’m an Olympiad, make snowballs and throw them like I’m mad not glad

Come on over and soon you will know how much I love to play in the snow

Yes, when God made me, he broke the mold…Oh wait!

I think I’m getting a cold.


Sledding in Texas



13 thoughts on “Murdo Girl…Snow fun in Texas

  1. scoper07 January 18, 2018 / 4:43 pm

    We had a snow storm here on my birthday. We had blowing and drifting snow. It wasn’t one of those good old South Dakota storms though. It’s been too cold to make a snowman. I think I’ll just stay inside and stay warm. We might see 70 degrees…in about 3 months.


  2. Gordon K. Niedan January 18, 2018 / 7:26 am

    In case you’re feeling sentimental, I have a few loads of that sh-, snow I mean, that I could donate for your pleasure. The abominable snowman would love the -32 degrees and the white stuff!


  3. countrygirl57 January 18, 2018 / 5:37 am

    Love the snow story!

    Sent from my iPhone



    • Mary Francis McNinch January 18, 2018 / 9:43 am

      It’s supposed to be 70 on Saturday Countrygirl. 🤗🤗🤗


  4. lifelessons January 17, 2018 / 10:47 pm

    Who are the two little boys in the row with Viki Esmay and Ella ? And the baby girl with you, Billy and the Queen?


    • Mary Francis McNinch January 18, 2018 / 9:40 am

      The baby girl is my granddaughter. Ryan, the two boys are Howard Manlove and Eddie Jackson. That is too funny that you thought the JC Courthouse looked just like the JC Courthouse.

      Liked by 1 person

      • lifelessons January 18, 2018 / 10:36 am

        Was Manlove the Methodist preacher?


      • Mary Francis McNinch January 18, 2018 / 7:33 pm

        Yes. Rachel reads the blog sometimes. She was a year or two older than Howard.


      • lifelessons January 18, 2018 / 9:59 pm

        Was their dad the Methodist or Community Bible minister? I can’t remember.


  5. lifelessons January 17, 2018 / 10:43 pm

    I just got home from dinner and dancing/music and flipped on the reader. first thing I saw was a photo of a building that looked exactly like our Jones Co. Courthouse. I clicked on the link to see the entire post so I could leave a comment, and of course noticed it was your post and it was the Jones Co. Courthouse!!!


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