Murdo Girl…Creativity, etiquette and manners

I had a request from a fellow Murdo girl, Judy, to peruse my Uncle Chucks book containing words of wisdom, and see what quotes he came up with relating to etiquette, manners and creativity.

On creativity”’

There are only three pure colors – red, yellow, and blue – but look at what Michelangelo (1475- 1564) did with those three colors.

There are only seven musical notes, but look at what Chopin (1810 – 1849), Beethoven (1770 – 1827), and Vivaldi (1678 – 1741), did with those seven notes.

Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address contained only 262 words, and 202 of them had one syllable. Think of the impact those simple, direct words have had on our society.

On etiquette and manners…

At ceremonies commemorating the hundredth anniversary of President Harry Truman’s birth, the White House counsel during the Truman Administration was reminiscing. He recalled being at a White House banquet one night when one of the guests turned to the woman seated next to him. 

“Did I get your name correctly?” he asked. “Is your name Post?”

“Yes, it is.” the woman answered.

“Is it Emily Post?”

“Yes,” she replied. 

“Are you the world-renowned authority on manners?” the man asked.

“Yes,” Mrs. Post said. “Why do you ask?”

“Because,” said the man, “you have just eaten my salad.”

Emily Post “I can never remember if my salad is to the right of my plate, or to the right…bad luck!!”

There are words of wisdom in the book Charles Francis wrote, but there is also a list of the most beautiful words in the English language…

I love you., You are wonderful., It’s benign – not malignant., The war is over., It’s a boy! It’s a girl!, No cavities., Thank you., All is forgiven., God bless you., Welcome home., Good morning!, Merry Christmas!, Your car is ready., You passed the examination., Your child is beautiful., You were right., I’m ready to sign.,

10 thoughts on “Murdo Girl…Creativity, etiquette and manners

  1. sanjuan831 December 12, 2018 / 9:57 am

    Touching and simply put.


      • sanjuan831 December 12, 2018 / 9:13 pm

        Me too. Silverware, glasses, napkins, plates…where do they all belong?


      • Mary Francis McNinch December 12, 2018 / 10:57 pm

        You set a beautiful table, cuz. I’ve seen it in pictures.


  2. lifelessons December 11, 2018 / 10:12 pm

    Thanks, Mary. Lovely words and photos.


  3. countrygirl57 December 11, 2018 / 9:58 pm

    Love it ❤️💕💗💜💙

    Sent from my iPhone



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