Murdo Girl…Clicks and clues

W Spade et al, were really in a mess. Two guys were found demised, but no one had confessed.

A boat had been afloat at the local swimming dam. The bad guy took the paddles and whacked the good guys… bam!!

The police had one body, W Spade took the other. Who were these gentlemen? Did they know one another?

Our girl Friday acted strangely. She said she lived across the pond. Did she mean the ocean or was W being conned?

W Spade et al investigated. They knew they must be quick. They looked inside Friday’s purse and found her name is Click.

Since W had no ice, to keep his demised guy cold. He put him in the pop machine and the cokes could not be sold.

The two good guys and the bad one and Friday were all Clicks. A family from Ft Pierre. Way out in the sticks.

I’ve told you all I’m going to…just for today. Can you solve my little mystery, or will the bad guy get away?

MG after consuming a delicious rhubarb shake at this diner.

5 thoughts on “Murdo Girl…Clicks and clues

  1. sanjuan831 July 1, 2019 / 5:45 pm

    I knew MG was smiling for some reason. It’s called “rhubarb shake satisfaction & memories of a cool red convertible-syndrome”.
    The Clicks from the Sticks? Really?


  2. scoper07 June 29, 2019 / 12:18 pm

    Is one of the three Clicks (excluding Friday) a homosapien?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. countrygirl57 June 29, 2019 / 6:56 am

    A real mystery! I’m not as good as I used to be at catching all the clues. 🤪🤪

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 2 people

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