Murdo Girl…Practicing my smile

I haven’t been ignoring my blog. Well, yes I have. The truth is, I’ve been working on a project and it takes me multiple times of trying to get things right before I come reasonably close or give up. I get really frustrated sometimes. I try to read instructions, but beyond the 3rd step, I’m usually lost, which frustrates me even more.

This knowledge of myself only reinforces how important it is for me to live the simple life. I have made a little headway there. I’ve designed a mudroom for my almost tiny home.

Kip loves it! He has four pairs of shoes plus dress shoes and he’s always wearing one pair, so they all fit in the basket.

I’m a real basket person. Everytime I walk through the door with a new basket, Kip groans. “Where are you going to put that?” He says. ” If you put one more under the bed, it will raise it off the floor!”

“The cat outgrew hers.”

“Besides, I’ll need several for my she shed. (My she shed is currently on hold while Kip finishes making a rock walk in the backyard and fixes some things in the motor home. Plus, I upset him a little and Mary’s Manor went from #2 to #8 on his priority list.

Meanwhile, my plans are getting more elaborate and my treasures remain in his way in the garage. In a couple of weeks, I’ll start pounding nails in the shed and that’s sure to move me up a little on the list.

I’m not really manipulative. I prefer the word, motivator. And I don’t nag. I make suggestions. I never whine, either. I’ll manipulate or nag before I’ll whine.

We’re getting our picture taken today for the church directory. We’ve used the last one for twelve years now. People who don’t know that, will think we’ve really aged. I guess when you get to be our age, aging becomes a good thing.

Thanks God, for helping me make it through the day. I know it can’t be easy.

6 thoughts on “Murdo Girl…Practicing my smile

  1. sanjuan831 September 8, 2019 / 2:10 pm

    Caitlin had always been big on decorating with baskets. Glad to hear you never nag. You probably have a Honey Do list, right?


  2. scoper07 September 7, 2019 / 1:40 pm

    Nice picture of you two. I look forward to seeing pictures of your manor once it is complete.


  3. Nancy Cross September 7, 2019 / 7:42 am

    You are beautiful. Just hearing your name makes my heart smile. Really.
    We have pics today too. My eyes are watering, nose is running and my throat is sore. But, as you said, at least we get to have allergy attacks and collect wrinkles. So, all in all, life is good!
    As far as the the almost tiny house, I learned a long time ago that less is more. With the exception of birds, butterflies, flowers, the love grandchildren give you and the hearts of sweet friends like you.


    • Mary Francis McNinch September 8, 2019 / 5:49 am

      You say such nice things, Nancy. You and Bill are both people I greatly admire. Your kind words mean a lot to me.


  4. amyjoinwyo September 7, 2019 / 7:19 am

    I love the baskets very handy organizers and so stylish! Great pic of you two and can’t wait to see pics of she shed! ❤️


    • Mary Francis McNinch September 7, 2019 / 9:05 am

      Thanks Amyjoinwy. That pic is 12 yrs old. We look better now!😁


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