Murdo Girl…That’s all she asked of me…

Just One Pretty Flower

“Put a flower on my grave.” That’s all she asked of me.

“Just one pretty flower that I’ll be sure to see.”

“She never had a chance,” they said. “She won’t make it through the night.

She might have won some battles, but she’ll lose this final fight.”

I tried to say I love you as I stood beside her bed.

She smiled her biggest smile, and this is what she said.

“You know I’ll never leave you, right? It’s really not that far.

Look through all the darkness. Give my name to one bright star.”

“It never did make sense,” they’ll say. “She had little ones to rear.”

“Nothing much that she could do. I know that’s what you’ll hear.”

 I said, “What you did mattered,” and she held my trembling hand.

She saw her Country struggle and she had to take a stand.

There are those who disagree. It’s their right to think that way.

They might not survive tomorrow, but they’ll live free today.

“Tell the kids I love them. Show them my picture now and then.

Tell them where I’m going, but don’t tell them where I’ve been.

I hope the evil can be stopped and we keep our flag unfurled

I gave you all my love,” she said. “My life, I gave the world.”

The last time she closed her eyes, I knew what she would see

Whatever love looks like those who fought to keep us free.

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“Put a flower on my grave,” that’s all she asked of me.

“Just one pretty flower, that I’ll be sure to see.”

Murdo Girl…Mom’s cooking (or not)

I was thinking about Mom’s cooking. I loved the Lemon chiffon an Cream o cheese o cherry pies she made for her bridge club. In later years she lost the recipe. It was either that or she was done with cooking. She let my dad do most of the cooking after Billy and I were grown and Gus did almost all of the cooking during the 38 years they were married… Well, I’ll let the story in the Murdo Girl Memories book tell you all about it!

Murdo Girl…Peacefulness made simple

I haven’t written a poem in a while…this one was inspired by a friend who listens to The Truthful Responder

“Don’t judge those who judge you,” He said.

“What? Then how will my ego be fed?”

If they said or did things that hurt your heart,

And you do the same, what sets you apart?

You can’t get self-worth from friend or foe.

They can’t tell you things you already know.

Those questions you so painfully ponder

Bring them to Me, your truthful Responder

If you want to spiritualise your life

Ask yourself

Will this decision bring me peace…or strife?

You make it sound simple. It can’t be that easy.

Should I not care what others think of me?

If you choose to follow My direction,

The outcomes you seek will come close to perfection.

If you are at peace, they will see…

And then you can tell them you got it from Me.


Never forget to look up…You might see kissing clouds…Photograph by Dianna Kenobbie Diehm

Peaceful…for now

Murdo Girl…Murdo is the friendliest town

I plan to put more and better pictures on future Murdo blogs…no rest for the weary or the wicked right now. Have I complained enough? Okay I will quit and be grateful…

Presho? That was supposed to Murdo’s plaque…oh well? I’ll make it be in honor of at least 3 Presho readers I can think of…and I know Presho must be very friendly…do they sell men’s underwear anywhere???

Produced on Friday the 13th…

Murdo Girl…Putting Murdo back together

When I close my eyes what do I see? The little town that made me, me…


I found out they tore down the old Jones County State Bank, today. Do you know what that means? Murdo has temporarily lost another iconic building. Before we know it, the fifties and sixties will be nothing but history. I have personally been waging a war against changing Murdo.

In my stories about the Brick House gang, I have already reprised the old Murdo High School and the elementary school buildings. Fern’s Café and Mack’s Café have both reopened. We still have those two great places where we can enjoy fresh cinnamon rolls, chocolate cake, and hot beef sandwiches. Joy Payne’s dress shop, the Murdo Show house, and Gambles are purring along. Beckwith’s Jewelry Store is next to Joy Payne’s. Mr. Beckwith is good at fixing watches and his kids are good at music.

The Post Office is back where it should be, and Thune Hardware is next to the drug store. The dry cleaners, on the other side of Mowell’s Drug Store, is still a much needed business in Murdo. There’s a locker for people to take their meat if they don’t have a freezer at home, and the Buffalo Bar is across the street from the locker. The Gem Hotel, the Murdo Hotel and the Laundromat are all uptown, too.

Super Value still has the Frosty Freeze attached to it, and we have five or six full service gas stations. In addition to Mack’s and Fern’s, you can eat at Highway 16 Café with all the tourists and the Teepee. It’s pretty new.

Most importantly, Sanderson’s Store is just as it always was…Aunt Tet lives upstairs and the Leckeys are living in the apartment across the hall. Doc Bork is our dentist and Doc Murphy makes house calls. Uncle Jerry Miller, Delmer Miller and a guy named Reginator, build all the new houses and Dad has a plumbing and heating business. When someone asked him how many guys were working for him, he said about half of them…

Graham Motor Lodge is under construction and they’re going to have a swimming pool. Mom runs our little motel called the Chalet which is across the highway from Grahams. The Gonzales, Boysens, and Wheelers have motels and the Iversons own the Red Top. I heard a family by the name of Edwards just bought it. Laura Hayden has motel rooms all over town. (I might have spelled some of those names incorrectly.)

There are a couple of beauty shops in Murdo and Kitty Reynolds sews for more than a few families. People buy their cars from the Ford Garage and the Pioneer Auto Museum is as well known as Wall Drug.

The ladies in town play a lot of bridge, and drink a lot of coffee. They probably gossip more than they should. Nobody likes to miss coffee because they can only talk about the ones who aren’t there. After coffee, Mom and Aunt Elna go home and call each other to gossip about the gossip. It’s a lot to keep up with. Grandma Sanderson goes when one of her girls will take her. She always has her hair done and wears her beads. She never repeats gossip because she’s very hard of hearing and she fears she’ll tell it wrong.

The school boys have football, basketball and track and the girls have basketball. There are no home economics classes offered, but the moms who can cook, teach their girls. Makes sense to me. I already know how to make chocolate chip cookies. What else do I need to know?

I love the new Swanson’s fried chicken TV dinners and Mom makes baked potatoes with chicken pot pies. We mush them all together on our plate. It’s very filling and good! She makes roasts and all kinds of other good stuff.

When kids go steady, the girls sit in the middle of the front seat of the boy’s car, even if the car has bucket seats. They drive around town for hours. They go around Brunskill’s hill and up and down Main Street. We don’t have street signs. I don’t even know the name of the street I live on. I also don’t know how kids can do all that driving around. Gas is 35 cents a gallon. The girls who go steady wear the boy’s class rings and make them fit by sticking wadded up tape under the wide part.

There are lots of little stock dams where guys like Grandpa Sanderson like to fish. You can boat but you can’t swim at the North Dam. It’s where our drinking water comes from. We swim at the East Dam, sometimes called Seymour’s Dam, and fish at the South Dam. One time when Billy was going to be late for school, Mom didn’t make him go. We all hate to be late for anything. Anyway, he went fishing at the South Dam and someone caught him and called him a truant.

Yup…I’m taking it upon myself to keep Murdo just like it was, so whoever wants to help me is more than welcome. Those guys who tore down the bank can just put it back together again. Oh, and leave our Post Office alone. A real nice lady runs it.

Guess I’ll put an ad in the Murdo Coyote.