Murdo Girl…Pearl gives a lesson on the value of gossip 1 & 2

Part 1

This is Ellie/Essie…

If I swore, I’d say every curse word I know right now. If I threw fits, I would lay down on the floor and kick and scream. I don’t know how that woman could be so mean.

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The old Methodist Church in Murdo, South Dakota. The parsonage is next to it.

You see the Methodist Church had a fundraiser. All of us kids had to work for someone who paid us by the hour. We had to work for eight hours and all the money goes to the youth program. I got hired by mean Mrs. Stone. She made me do things a two hundred pound man could barely do.

I was too fast at my work. That’s what it was. I washed all of her dirty windows inside and out. I pulled the weeds in her garden and worst of all, I had to clean out her refrigerator. Now I’ve got to go take Pearl the dog for a walk if my poor little wobbly stick legs will let me.


“Hi Pearl, I came to take Pearl the dog for a walk.”


Can we go see my frog friend?

“Well ,Essie…you look like you could go bear hunting with a stick. What or who has gotten you so worked up?”

“Working for Mrs. Stone has me all worked up. She never let me rest once except for the fifteen minutes it took me to choke down a minced ham sandwich. When I took the last bite, she smacked her hands and said, up, up, up…time to get back to work! Then she got really mean.”

“Tell me, Essie. I just love to hear gossip. When I had my beauty shop, I’d have a woman on each side of me shooting gossip into my ears. Oh how I miss that. I don’t get to talk to many people now except Grace and she tells me everything twice and comes up way short on the details. Gossiping is an art you know. One of these days I’ll teach you how to get people to spill everything they know, or think they know, and you won’t have to give up a thing. Now, what was the really mean thing she did?”

“When I got ready to leave, Mrs. Stone said I might have to come over again tomorrow. I said to her… no way, Mrs. Stone, that’s not how it works. Then she said she was going to have to deduct an hour’s pay on her check to the church. When I asked her why, she said it was because I didn’t get all the weeds out of her garden, and Mr. Stone would be upset because he would have to do it. It’s not fair Pearl,”

“You have got to get some dirt on that woman, Essie, that’s all there is to it. Now go take Pearl the dog for a walk. When you get back, I’ll give you a couple of quick lessons.”

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Pearl’s Gossip Lesson

Listen closely, Essie, and you will have that mean Mrs. Stone right where you want her. If she has told you something secretive about herself, she won’t cross you ever again. It will be worth it for you to go over there tomorrow. When she says something mean to you, and she will, you say this:

“I sure don’t see why several of the ladies in town aren’t partial to you Mrs. Stone. I think you’re real nice.” Then smile your sweetest smile, just don’t laugh when you see the look on her face.

“Then what do I do, Pearl?”

You say, “Now, show me those weeds in your garden that I missed. I’ve heard from reliable sources that several of your friends think Mr. Stone is henpecked and I wouldn’t want to add fuel to the fire… if you know what I mean.”

“See Essie… it’s nothing you can’t do. You’ll be a natural.”


“Then what do I say Pearl?” I was really starting to get into this gossip lesson.

“Nothing. You won’t have to. She will be so upset she’ll spill the beans on every gossip friend she has. She’ll say things like, I bet I know who said that! It was Ethel, well let me tell you a thing or two about Ethel..bla,bla,bla,bla. Then you have to close the secret transaction.”

“What’s a secret transaction, Pearl?”

You say, “Well, I guess I should get started on those weeds now so poor Mr. Jones doesn’t have to do it. It’s not in my nature to cheat the church either.”

“Do you mean I’m still going to have to pull the weeds, Pearl?

“Not a chance. Mrs. Jones will probably say something like this. Oh no, dear. You sit right here and I will get you a nice cold glass of lemonade and one of the cookies I baked for Mr. Jones. You must call us Charles and Helen…I’ll pull the weeds.

One more thing, Essie. When she tries to get out of you who told you all that gossip, you say…I think we both know who told me those terrible things that you told them. It’s just awful how people spread gossip they hear on the grapevine.

” I can’t wait for you to tell me how it goes tomorrow, Essie. Wasn’t that a great lesson? I should have been a mother. I believe my mothering instincts have gone to waste all these years.

The Beauty Shop is a great place to hear good gossip

Part 2 – Ellie/Essie Executes the plan

Well, I decided I would try out Pearl’s gossip lesson and go back to Mrs. Stones’ house and get some dirt on her. I sure hoped Pearl was right because I sure did not want to pull more weeds.

There was one thing Pearl’s plan didn’t account for.


“Hi, Mrs. Stone…I came back to pull those weeds in your garden; the few little ones that I missed yesterday.

“Well just don’t stand there, Ellie, come in. I don’t have much time to direct you. My bridge club will be here in just a few minutes. Get one of those paper bags in the pantry and fill it with the weeds you pull. Now get to it Ellie. Why are you just standing there with that dumb look on your face?”

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That’s the mean thing, I thought. The bridge club coming over could be a hot potato, but I decided to move forward with Pearl’s plan.

“Are the bridge club ladies the ones that don’t like you very much?”

“What on earth are you talking about, “Ellie? Who told you that?”

“Um…I think we both know who spreads gossip around this town.”


My mom played bridge

Mrs. Stone had a horrified look on her face just like Pearl the human said she would, but she didn’t tell me I didn’t have to pull the weeds, and I really didn’t think she would offer to pull them herself with all those women here. I was going to have to wing it!

The ladies started arriving then so I waited. Mrs. Stone saw me standing there and told me to go do what I came to do.

“Okay,” I said. “I’ll go pull those weeds, so you won’t make poor Mr. Stone go out there and pull them. Do you have some cold lemonade so I can go out and sit on your bench and drink it? Those cookies sure look good, too.”

“You are one strange child, Ellie.”

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Then a bridge lady spoke up. “Well, Helen Stone, did you get involved in the Methodist Church fundraiser? I heard most of the kids were on the lazy side. They had to be prodded to do anything. It was so good of you to give this girl a chance to do it right. Young lady, you need a few lessons in etiquette. You do not ask for refreshments and you definitely do not take a refreshment break before you have even started your work.”

She’s mean too, I thought. Pearl didn’t account for two ladies being mean to me.

“Mrs. Martin,” I said. “I heard your husband is henpecked.”

It worked again! Mrs. Martin looked horrified; just like Pearl said. All of a sudden, Mrs. Stone took me by the ear and marched me to the door. “You may leave now,” she said. “I would rather pull the weeds myself than deal with the likes of you, young lady.”

I couldn’t wait to tell Pearl the human all about my experience with her gossip lesson. I decided to walk Pearl the dog a little later.


I like now, now is good!

“Hi Pearl, I came right over here to tell you what happened with Mrs. Stone. I said exactly what you told me to say and guess what? I didn’t have to pull one weed. Mrs. Stone said she would do it. There is one thing though…She didn’t offer me a cold glass of lemonade and a cookie.”

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I like cookies

“I knew it,” Pearl said. (I’ve never seen Pearl so excited.)

“I’ll have to think up some more life lessons to teach you, Essie. Living in this world takes know how and if it’s one thing old Pearl has, it’s know how!”

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“Do you know anything about etiquette Pearl? One of the bridge club ladies who was at Mrs. Stones’ house said I could use a few lessons on etiquette.”

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“Boy, Pearl the dog, Pearl the human sure was puffing away on that air cigarette when we left. She just doesn’t seem herself. Where should we go on our walk? How about Mrs. Stones’ house to see if anybody pulled those weeds.’


Okay Ellie, but it’s getting pretty dark. Do you think she’ll give us a cookie?

Murdo Girl…A hometown poem


By Mary Francis McNinch

I’ve been sitting here for five long minutes, wondering how I should begin this.

Now I’ve written four short lines and nothing that I’ve written rhymes.

I guess it’s close enough for me. Until I have an epiphany.


I’ve got my crown on. I’m good to go. I know the words will begin to flow.

Why oh why is my brain so slow. Nothing much rhymes with Murdo.

I think I’ve thought of a better way. I’ll start by describing Mack’s Cafe.

Macks Cafe

Linda Kerns..inside Mack’s Cafe 1969

Breakfast, dinner, supper, snacks…The food was always good at Mack’s.

Doris made yummy cinnamon rolls..served ham and beans in great big bowls.

Hot beef sandwiches were a favorite. Don’t eat too fast, you must savor it.

I ate so much my stomach hurt, but I always had room for a big dessert.

Sanderson’s Store is on Main Street, and everyone there is really neat.


If you’ve read all I’ve written about. You know this store inside and out.

Groceries, produce, they’ve got it all, and mounted deer heads on the wall.


Grandpa Sanderson after a successful hunt

Uncle Jeff, Uncle Al and Great Aunt Tet..Just a second I’m not done yet.

Billy, Jeff H. and Eldon Davis, thanks for the service you all gave us.

The post office, Ford garage, Mr. Kell…Laundromat, Gambles, and the Gem Hotel.

The Murdo Coyote keeps us in the know, even 25 and 50 years ago.

Maybe they know what rhymes with Murdo.

If the Ford Garage sells you a car, and you celebrate at the Buffalo Bar,

The Hotel owned by Alice Tornow is the place you probably ought to go.

Still nothing rhymes with Murdo.

My dog Berferd got to go, uptown to the picture show.

He was as quiet as he could be, (unless a dog barked in the movie).

If you want to change the way you’re livin, or maybe you need to be forgiven,

We’ve got churches everywhere, so you can go and say a prayer.

Go to Dr Murphy if you’re feeling sick and Doc Bork will fix your teeth real quick.

Joy Payne sells the ladies their dresses and Evie McKenzie curls their tresses.

Down on the highway called Old 16, there’s a lot more to be seen.

Fern’s Cafe makes a great hamburger, or maybe dessert is what you’re there fer.

Chocolate cake with lots of frosting. (Writing a poem is so exhausting)

Head to The Pioneer Auto Museum. Old cars and buildings..Wait til you see em.


Together our motels sleep 800. (Just in case you’ve ever wondered).

Super Value and Cafe 16, have goods and food fit for a Queen.

Karen Lindquist and Mary Francis a few years back…

If you’re low on gas, don’t get nervous. All our gas stations are full service.

Dean’s Philip 66 will fix your tires, and Dean’s really good to the guys he hires.

Now we have a drive-in and a diner. Their food and milkshakes taste diviner.

Than food you usually get “to go”.Still nothing rhymes with Murdo.

I wouldn’t be in such a frenzy if they would’ve named Murdo..MacKenzie.



My cousin Valerie Leckey with two friends shortly before she and her parents moved to California. I’m sure many of you recognize the other two cute girls. The photo was taken in 1963.

Old picture of the Murdo Water Tower

Murdo Girl…Fame is fleeting

One of my favorite Pearl and Grace stories…

I’m on my way to The Busy Nest. We’ve been really busy since Pearl started putting cornstarch in her Elixerfixer and calling it new and improved. All the women are buying it and losing weight. The cornstarch and hot water thickens in their stomach and makes them feel full. But no one, I mean no one knows the Elixerfixer formula, and they are buying that stuff like there’s no tomorrow.

“Hi Grace, hi Pearl, I’m here, are you?”

Grace: I’m here, but Pearl had to go on another Red Owl run. We’re down to only four bottles of Elixerfixer and just look at that line-up of women outside the door. There’s likely to be a real dust-up if Pearl doesn’t get back soon and formulate some more. I think I hear her coming in the back way.

Pearl: I’m back! I’ll get busy in the formulation room and you two can open the door and give those ladies a number.


Well, our success was short lived. That very day, Mack’s Cafe had a roast beef and mashed potatoes with lots of gravy, special. That gravy hit all that cornstarch and hot water in the ladie’s stomachs and they all felt like they’d swallowed twenty pounds of concrete. They feared they’d been poisoned by the beef. The real dramatic ones were sure they were knocking on death’s door. Doc Brown was called to the scene and it wasn’t long before the Doc, followed by twelve sick women came marching over to The Busy Nest. We saw them coming and could tell they all had their knickers in a twist.

Pearl pinched her cheeks, put on her lipstick, straightened her shoulders and met them all at the door.

Pearl: Why Doc Brown, what an unexpected pleasure, and my goodness, you brought some ladies with you. Welcome to The Busy Nest.

Grace: Pearl, don’t you recognize these ladies? They were just in here to buy new bottles of Elixerfixer.

Doc Brown: So I’ve been told. It seems all of these ladies took their dose of your famous elixer shortly before eating Mack’s Cafe’s special, consisting of roast beef with mashed potatoes and lots of gravy.

Grace: Do they make their gravy with cornstarch?

Pearl: Grace, dear, would you mind going to get the mail?

Doc: I was looking at the very fine print on the back of the label and it just says it’s made with all natural ingredients. Would you mind telling me what they are?

Pearl: Certainly…I travel many miles to purchase the greatly sought after freshly distilled spring water it contains.

Grace: It’s the kind you put in your steam iron so it won’t clog up.

Pearl: Grace, the mail! I add a very carefully measured amount of extract from the endosperm of corn, li’mon juice from a small producer in Arizona, and mother’s apple cider vinegar. Believe me, it’s a very precise combination.

Grace: Can you believe we can get all that stuff in Pierre at The Red Owl Store?


Well, Doc Brown happened to know that extract from the endosperm of corn was cornstarch and concluded, when followed with hot water, it would swell up in the stomach enough without adding a good amount of gravy to it.

Those ladies were bound up for a week and our new and improved Elixerfixer sat on the shelf and thickened.

I can’t wait to see what Pearl comes up with next. She’s a good idea person.

Murdo Girl…To the girls born in December

Here’s to all the “older” girls with birthdays in December.

Kiss last year goodbye. We have a new age to remember.

So we’ve earned another wrinkle, or a new defining line.

I really can’t see yours and I KNOW you can’t see mine.

We hear ourselves say things that our mothers used to say.

We don’t have to listen, but we’ll say them anyway.

We look forward to our birthdays and a new year coming up.

(That’s a lot to celebrate so buck up buttercup.)

We’ll plan our annual check-up with our doctor and his staff.

They’re now as old as we are…if we cut our age in half.

When we face our bumps in life, you won’t see us surrender.

We can be as sweet as honey, or a formidable contender.

We love all of our friends and try to give them our attention.

When we’re feeling down, we give ourselves an intervention.

We smile until we’re laughing and our tears all go away.

We strive to be our best selves and we don’t forget to pray.

We’ve done a lot of living… made decisions right or wrong.

We still dance to our own tune and still sing to our own song.

Now we’re one year older than we have been in the past..

We’re the girls born in December and we were made to last.

I say the things she used to say

Murdo Girl…An ode to huggers

Hugs are not for sissies. There are rules you need to know. It’s not the way it used to be many years ago.

I learned the rules the hard way, though I still don’t know them all. I’m here to help you hug right, so wrong hugs aren’t your downfall.

I saw a friend walk towards me, and I struck a huggers pose. He saw my arms wide open, and suddenly he froze!

It was an awkward moment. A situation to appraise. Should he walk into my waiting arms, or approach me from sideways?

(My cousin, Mark and me…the sideways hug.)

(Another sideways hug.)

Standing with my arms outstretched, I felt like such a fool. How could my friend know I didn’t know that hugger’s rule?

Unless they’re related, (less than twice removed), guys don’t give girls two armed hugs, unless they’re preapproved.

There is more you must remember. Age comes into play. If hugees are old and feeble, you can hug them the old way.

Wrap your arms around them. Just don’t squeeze too tight. A right hug could go wrong and they might put up a fight.

I must apologize to the men who felt anxiety, when I hugged them without knowing, the degree of it’s propriety.

My hugs are often longer than what’s acceptable today. I only know it’s too long, when my huggee pulls away.

Though I hope all of you know, I think hugging is quite harmless, I’ll follow all the rules or someday I’ll be armless.

So if you’re walking towards me and you think something’s amiss. Stop before you get there and I’ll just throw you a kiss.


Murdo Girl…Angels of friendship

I know the truth of their existence.

Ethereal or heavenly.

I try to offer no resistance

When their message speaks to me.


Be they visible or transparent

Each one is unique.

Yet some qualities are inherent.

Some are boisterous some are meek.


They help me know what I am missing.

Help me find the things I seek.

Is there something I’ve been dismissing?

Do I listen when Angels speak?

My body can betray me.

My thoughts can go astray.

Is this the way it must be?

A total chasm of disarray?

What can I do to find the strength

To make it through the darkest hours?

My Angels go to any length

To bring sweetness to what life sours.


Be thankful for your Angels

Never look past those who care

They will bring you to a place

Where you no longer feel despair.


The first Angel is the Angel of Celebration, given to me by my sister-in-law and friend, Karlyce Newkirk.

The second Angel is an Angel signing love. She was given to me by my friend, Sherri Miller.

I received the third Angel, yesterday. My friend, Dianna Diehm had her made for me. She is the Angel of Friendship. Dianna also made the card which has a message inside that I will always treasure.

I will indeed be reminded to treasure my Angels, always. We all have them. We all need them. Nothing is more comforting than to be surrounded by beautiful and giving, Angels of friendship, love, and celebration.

Murdo Girl…Small town bridge

Mom is having her bridge club over tonight. The ladies in the club take turns hosting and tonight is Mom’s turn. Sometimes I help her get everything ready. First, we set up card tables with four chairs to each table. I’ve been meaning to ask Mom what happens if she has one lady too many, or she’s one lady short.

I also put the mints and nuts out. I fill little glass serving dishes with them and set out little plates and little spoons. At halftime, Mom serves real dessert. She makes cream o cheese o cherry pie and lemon chiffon pie every time. Lemon chiffon pie isn’t like lemon meringue pie. Its fluffy and lemony. The player who is a dummy always has to get up and make coffee so it’s ready at halftime.

I always stay awake until the pies are gone. Mom doesn’t let me have mine until she knows she’s not going to need it. I’ve never gone without one piece of each kind, yet. I think some of the ladies fill up too much on nuts and mints.

From left: Harriet Parish, Marce Lillibridge, Florence Murphy, Marge Bork, Evelyn Johnson, and Mom

I listen to them talk while they play. Mom says you have to let your partner know what kind of cards you have. That sounds a little like cheating to me. You have to bid and pass and and smoke all at the same time. A couple of the women don’t smoke. They usually cough a lot. One time Mom and I drove past a nonsmoker’s house the day after they played bridge and we saw her dress and coat hanging outside on her porch. I know how she feels. By the time they all leave, the smoke haze has floated into my room and my eyes burn.

They manage to work a little gossip in while they play, but Mom says they have to be really careful because Murdo is a small town and it’s very hard to remember who everyone is related to. One time something was said that was pretty shocking. Mom said you could have heard a pin drop. Thankfully, the relative stayed quiet, but the next day, Mom called my aunt and a couple of other people and told them all about the “news” she heard.

Mom in the red dress, Harriet Parish in the black dress, Florence Murphy in a dress with a white collar, and Marge Sorenson by the fireplace. Pictures were probably taken by Elsa Peck. The bridge party was in her home.

The other thing that I was going to tell you about is how the ladies get all gussied up. If Kitty Reynolds is going to be there, they all try to wear a dress that she made for them. They usually look the best, anyway. They wear nylons and high heals. They also wear earrings, beads and sometimes bracelets. They all wear a different kind of perfume which about knocks you over when they first get there. You would think it would overcome the smoke, but it can’t. They come in smelling like perfume and go out smelling like smoke.

They all have a good time and I do, too. I’m never going to try to learn that game, but tomorrow, I’m going to ask Mom to show me a bridge trick.

Playing tricks is a measurement of trick-taking potential with your longest suit trumps. This is typically used when you have a 6+ card suit, such as for a preemptive bid, but can be applied any time.

Huh? Never mind…

I sure wish halftime would get here so I could have some pie…

Murdo Girl…Arf takes a trip

  • I’ll be posting reruns here and there while we get some projects completed before going on an RV trip. I thought you might like to go back to the first Arf story episode.

My pink frisbee just flew up the ramp and into the big truck. I ran to get it because that’s what dogs do. All of a sudden it got dark inside that truck. I sniffed around and found my frisbee, but I couldn’t see the door and the ramp. We were moving! Oh, no…we were moving and I was in the dark. I wanted to go home. Please…someone open the door so I can take my pink frisbee and go home.


My name is Arf and it looks like I’m moving with my people. Wait! my people aren’t moving. This truck was down the street. Someone else is moving. I wonder if they like dogs. I don’t think I know those people.

I usually don’t get out the front door. I wasn’t going to stay outside. I just wanted to see what was out there. I was getting ready to go back in when I lost my frisbee. I didn’t really lose it. A gust of wind blew it away.

Alf spent two days in the moving van. He was surrounded by box after box in the front, and several pieces of furniture were stacked clear in the back. As his eyes got used to the dark, he could see where he was going during the day, but it was pitch black during the two long nights.

I found a case of water that was different from any water I ever drank out of my bowl. When I bit into the bottle to get a drink, it fizzed all over the place. If this was my house, I would for sure be in trouble for getting the couch all wet. It was also too bad because I was thinking of spending the night on that comfy couch. There was no one there to scold me. I could do anything I wanted to. Anything except go home.

On the end of the 2nd day, the truck finally arrived at it’s destination.

It seemed like forever before the men opened the door. I didn’t know if I could trust them, so I stayed way in the back behind the wet couch. I can usually tell when a human likes me and when they don’t. I hoped they would go away soon. I was really hungry and I had to find a place to do my business.

couch in moving van 2

They didn’t like me. They yelled at me so I grabbed my frisbee and ran down the street. I ran and ran and ran until I was far away from there.

But where was I? All I could see was house after house and they all looked the same. I found a place to solve my first problem, but I still couldn’t find anything to eat. It felt like my stomach was hitting my backbone. I was getting weak.

Oh, No! I ran out of houses! I’m in a place where I can’t find one house. Should I go back? There’s a road. I guess I’ll keep going. I wish I knew how to fish. Dogs don’t eat garden stuff which doesn’t matter because I don’t know where I can find a garden. There’s water up ahead. I’ll drink some water and rest a while. Dogs take a lot of naps. I’ll take a nap.

When I woke up, I knew I had to find something to eat, but where? My people had always given me a bowl of food and a bone at night. How many nights had it been? There was nothing to do but keep on walking.

Soon I came to a place that had some animals that I had never seen before. Was that food they were eating? Would they share?

On the other side of the yard I saw a bird. I know what birds are, but this one was eating out of a big pan. Should I ask the polka dotted animals if I could have some of their food, or should I ask the bird? None of it looked like dog food, but beggars can’t be choosers and I know how to beg.

Murdo Girl…SeeYa in the city

This is a rerun of a very exciting day in the lives of Kip and Mary McNinch. (October 22, 2018)

We left our spot near New Haven, Connecticut yesterday morning and headed for Manhattan. The GPS said our new RV spot for the next couple of days was just a short ninety-eight miles away. We were pretty proud of the fact we had found a place that looked really close to everything we wanted to see.

It was a lovely drive. We navigated through some tricky places, and we were congratulating ourselves on our ability to remain calm and follow the GPS map… and the reassuring voice of the GPS lady we have come to trust. Less seasoned RV travelers could surely benefit from our obvious expertise, we decided.

Then…for some reason, we have yet to figure out, our GPS lady turned on us.

Kip: This place is in Jersey City, right? We’re supposed to exit in a couple of miles and head west through the Bronx. I figured we’d probably stay on 95 and go across George Washington Bridge and then down to New Jersey.

MG: Remember the other day when we thought the GPS lady didn’t know what she was doing so we didn’t follow her map and we got lost?

Kip: You’re right. She must know a better way.

A little while later…

Kip: I can’t possibly turn up that street! It’s too narrow and there are cars parked on both sides. I’m going to have to go straight!

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Mary: Wait! GPS is rerouting. That’s never a good sign. Haven’t we been on this street before? Watch out for the pedestrians!!!

Kip: What is that up ahead?

Mary: Let me look on the map. That’s the Queensbury Bridge. I think the GPS lady wants us to go across it.

After going around in circles to find a street that would accommodate us (never mind the Jeep we’re towing), going around a construction crew twice, and listening to two GPS ladies, (by this time, I had my cell GPS going too), we made it to the bridge that we hoped would get us closer to our destination…

Kip: We can’t go on this bridge!

Mary: What are you doing? We’re stopped on a very busy highway. We have to keep moving!!

GPS lady: Clearance violation! Clearance violation!!!


Kip: It says maximum clearance is eleven feet! We’re eleven feet and six inches!!

Mary: I think that bridge’s clearance looks higher than it says.

Kip: Me too!

GPS lady: Clearance violation!!

Kip and Mary: Shut up!!

Silence as we proceeded to go across the bridge…Both of us are ducking our heads. It had to be close, but we didn’t hear any “ripping off the roof” noises.


After we said, “Thank you, God,” we saw a tunnel up ahead. There was a guard waving at us to stop. Kip slowed down and managed to get his window open. The guy yelled something and Kip said, “No.” The guy nodded and we proceeded to go through the one and a half mile long Holland Tunnel. It dawned on me that all three dogs had disappeared with the cat. We later found them hiding under the table.

Mary: Did that guy ask if we had propane? (We do…)

Kip: Maybe…I couldn’t really hear him.

Silence…even both of the GPS ladies kept their mouths shut.


After getting through the tunnel without blowing up, we cautiously breathed a sigh of relief. We were on the New Jersey side. We made it to the less than beautiful, but absolute best RV spot ever. I will tell you why we love it so much when I write about yesterday afternoon and today…probably tomorrow.

Kip: Well at least we know we won’t blow up in a tunnel even though we have propane.

Me: I bet they’re trying to find us now. That guard is probably telling the authorities, “That guy had propane and lied about it!”

GPS lady: (I had accidentally hit the microphone on my cell and she thought I was trying to verbally ask for directions.) “I don’t know what to do with… that guy had propane and lied about it!”

Kip: Oh great! She’ll probably share that with Google…

So far, we have escaped the law. We plan to head out before dawn tomorrow. Stay off the streets of New York…

 nps means not my picture. I was busy when we encountered the bridges and tunnels…

Murdo Girl…Grandpa John comes home.

“What are you doing here, Brad?” Barbie wanted to know.

“I came to take you somewhere that I know you’ll enjoy, but first, you need to change into this. I’ll be back to get you in fifteen minutes.”

“Wait, Brad…I have no desire to go anywhere. I’m happy staying in my room, but thank you, anyway.”

“No one can be happy spending all their time holed-up in a bedroom. Please don’t argue with me, Barbie. I know this outing will be good for you,”

“Okay,” she sighed. “Come back in fifteen minutes.”

“Where are we?” Barbie asked. “And why am I wearing riding boots? Have you forgotten that I’m blind? There is no way I can get on a horse.”

“Sure you can. We are at an equestrian day camp. I’m told that you will be riding like a champ in no time.” Brad saw the frown on Barbie’s face. “Don’t scowl little sister. It’ll be fun. I promise. The fresh air will do you good. Come on. I want you to meet the instructor.”


Grandpa John didn’t want to stay at the ranch for even one night. It’s a good thing Dina and Jamie got the house all furnished and decorated. It was ready for him and Biff to move right into.

“Thanks for bringing me over here right away,” Grandpa John said. “I was nervous about moving out of the cabin and I know I wouldn’t have slept a wink not knowing where Biff and I will be living.”

“Not a problem,” Mark said. “I can understand wanting to get settled in as quickly as possible. I’m going to stay here with you until Clark can get here, and then he and Arf will spend the night with you. Arf will be staying here and working with you until you’re comfortable getting around on your own. I also want you to know you have two telephones that should be pretty easy to get to.”

Back at the ranch, Clark was loading Katie, Annie and Biff into the truck Brad had given him. They were headed over to Grandpa John’s house. Mark would bring Annie and Katie back to the ranch, but Katie wanted to see where she used to live.

Annie: This really is a super duper family. I love everyone and everyone seems to love Arf and me. I’m sure they’ll all get used to Biff, too. The only human I’m having a hard time getting used to is Jamie’s dad, Mr. Langford. He says things in a funny way. Like, “Don’t beat around the bush,” and “bite the bullet.” He’s always saying someone has a chip on their shoulder. (I think he’s seeing things.) Jamie said people like him are why aliens won’t speak to us. She said it in a loving way, though.

Jamie says she’s happy her mother, Mrs. Langford, is getting to be friends with Miss Bessie. Since Grandma Helen moved to the farm, Miss Bessie has a lot of people to cook for, especially since they’ll be bringing food to Grandpa John, too. Mr. Langford says they’ve got a big plate to say grace over, but I’ve never seen it.

That night, after supper, Brad and Jamie were sitting on the porch having coffee.

“Did Barbie enjoy her day at the equestrian camp?” Jamie asked.

“She did fine. I think she was a little surprised that her instructor was twelve years old. Nancy has been blind from birth and she has never known any other kind of life. Barbie was sixteen when she lost her sight. I’m not sure which would present more challenges.”

Jamie pondered that for a minute. “And now we have Grandpa John who lost his sight at the age of eighty. Does Barbie know about Grandpa, yet?”

“I don’t think so, she hasn’t shown much interest in anything that’s going on around here.”

“I know.” Jamie laughed. “Dad said she’s a hard dog to get off the porch.”

“He’s right. I’m hoping learning to ride will give her a little more self confidence. Speaking of dogs, Arf and Annie are spread a little thin. Annie is watching over Katie while Arf is working with Grandpa John plus she has really been Clark’s dog. What about our little Jake? He needs his own dog to love. We don’t have a shortage of people around here, but maybe we need more dogs.”

“I don’t think Arf and Annie would like that,” Jamie said. “It’s bad enough they have to deal with old Biff. What about a kitten? I can’t believe this ranch doesn’t have any cats.”

Annie: I had been taking a little nap by Brad’s chair when I heard them talking about cats. I decided I’d rather go watch squirrels out the window.

Brad looked down to where Annie had been sleeping. “Where did Annie go? She was just right here.”

“I think she misses Arf,” Jamie said. “Those two are best buds.”

All is calm and all is bright at the Humboldt ranch. At least for the moment…