Murdo Girl…SDA’s

I decided to write a blog on things you can do to entertain yourself while having to stay home for what might be a couple of months or more.

This Coronavirus has sure been life changing for people all over the world.

I understand the need to isolate and stay away from groups with more than ten people in them. I know we’re supposed to stand or sit, six to ten feet apart. I wipe off the surfaces in my house and wash my hands often.

Understanding doesn’t make it any easier. I’m going to take a stab at making a list of SDA’s (social distancing activities.)

Last evening, Kip and I listened to our ipad. It has 1700 songs on it. Kip’s sister, Karlyce, downloaded all of them from itunes and she did a great job. We’ve listened to it once or twice before, but hadn’t listened to half of the songs. We used to play one of our 262 albums all the time, but it’s been a while.


We were going to play Dogopoly tonight. It was okay because Kip came in late from working on my she-shed and I was tired. Besides, we weren’t bored or crabby with each other. We’ll play it tomorrow night.

The following night, Kip will finish putting the heating/air conditioning unit in the space he made for it. I’m still going to use the electric fireplace if I just need to take the chill off. While Kip is working on my she-shed, I’ll sit on my porch, look at the sunset and catch up on some of my reading.

I had four emails canceling events until further notice. Part of me is okay with it. I’m about ready to prime and paint the she-shed ceiling. I should get my stencils in the mail tomorrow.

A friend posted this on Facebook today. The author died in 2013 so it has nothing to do with the pandemic. It sure does seem like it could have been written during this moment in time.


6 thoughts on “Murdo Girl…SDA’s

  1. sanjuan831 March 17, 2020 / 9:41 pm

    That game looks like fun. Does the board show Pomo-poos? Will Kip wear his roll of dog bags? Do you get a dog biscuit for passing go? Our dog is super smart. If you ask her what’s on top of our house, she says,”Roof, roof.”


      • lifelessons March 18, 2020 / 12:02 pm

        Um, Mary? I don’t think you are the one to correct your cousin on her behavior with words!!! Pot? Kettle? Calling black?


  2. lifelessons March 17, 2020 / 1:01 am

    Hope her vision comes true. Perhaps it is the earth forcing us to do this and to mend our ways…

    Liked by 1 person

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